Hey, gang. For a short, fun time awhile back, two of my buds "over the pond" (i.e. Great Britain), Mike Giblin and Justin Cook, had a great thing going called "Toon Weekly". Each week there was a subject given, and anyone who wanted to participate would try their hand at illustrating it. Any styles were acceptable, as long as it was "cartoony". It was a real blast doing character designs "just for fun" and I myself got quite a few portfolio pieces out of participating in it. At some point, for reasons unbeknowst to me, Toon Weekly ended. I never did find out why, but I was too busy with work and life to pursue starting it back up myself. Well, now I'm happy to say that two of my good friends, Kenny Durkin and Mike Duron ,who work with me right here in Orlando, and also used to contribute to TW, have taken up the reins. They've started "The Toony Bin", a weekly character design challenge much like TW used to be. Check out the site here:
If you get a chance, contribute, why dontcha? I know I plan to!