I loved the live action version of Captain Marvel as a kid in the early 70s, as goofy as it was. Here's a sketch night tribute to the Big Red Cheese.
I have to get all of those "ums" out of my speech pattern. Ugh! It's always horrible listening to yourself speak. But see, this is proof I was there! Told ya! Thanks for posting this one as well, Brian.
But "Keelam"? "Keelam"????LOL
Oh well, with my name you get used to it!
All last week I was in beautiful Sandusky Ohio at the annual ISCA ( International Society of Caricature Artists Convention). I'll try to upload my photos from it just as soon as I get caught up around the studio here. It was a week of fellowship, learning, and generally maligning each other in caricature form. LOL Yeah, let me tell ya, don't EVER go to a caricature convention if you have a vanity issue! My forehead gets bigger, my nose more broken, my lips more "girly looking" each passing year in the drawings I get. I LOVE IT!!! It truly is " Caricature College".
There is a big competition factor to the convention, and a ton of amazing work is produced. Congrats to friends Glenn Ferguson ( overall winner... the "Golden Nosey") and Marlo Meekins ( second place... "Silver Nosey") and all the award winners.
I've competed a few times ( I got fourth overall one year), but haven't done so in five years or so. All that drawing, all that pressure... it just seems too much like my everyday life... like "work", ya know? So I made a firm deicision this year to just go and "hang out". I drew when I wanted, IF I wanted, and who I wanted. With no concern about "competing". So glad I did. It was a much needed "blast". My only regret is that I had many people tell me they wish I HAD competed this year, that they wanted to see more of my work. Thanks for telling me that. To be honest, it made me wish at times that I had drawn more and competed, but overall I feel I made the right decision. Maybe next year...
As it was, I got to spend a week just sleeping in, staying out late, and hanging out with tons of talented artists. I saw many old friends, and made many new ones.
The video here was made by fellow ISCA member Brian Vasilik. Thanks so much for shooting it, Brian. And thanks to good pal Kenny Durkin for alerting me to it's existence. Kenny and Jim "Daddy" Durkin and myself show up at just before the four minute mark, if you're looking for us. If you've never been to an ISCA convention, what are you waiting for? The next one's in Vegas, baby! Viva Las Vegas!