Sunday, September 22, 2013
Wow, I have been terribly remiss on posting here, haven't I? To everyone who follows this blog, I am sorry. I will do better. And in fact, I already AM! I've posted the last couple of days, just not here on this blog anymore. In the last year or so, I've really been posting almost exclusively on FaceBook. And I've noticed that some artists whose work I really like were able to post on their blogs and then it automatically would show up on FB too. So, I did some digging around. Or Googling around. Blogger doesn't do that.. but Word Press does. So now, I just post to my new blog over there, and my posts automatically are publicized on FB as well. I can kill two birds with one stone now, so to speak.
The blog is still in its infant stages as I relearn my way around WP, but for now, that is my new home on the web. So to my followers here, I'd love for you to keep up with all my new work ( and I have been doing some big jobs recently that I look forward to sharing ) over at my Word Press blog:
Hope to see you there!
Monday, May 21, 2012
An end of the year gift caricature for the teacher of my youngest daughter. Um... she keeps the teacher on her toes... let's just say that... ;D
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Toxic Audio!
Here's a recent job I drew for the Grammy Award winning acapella improv group, Toxic Audio:
My wife and I are friends with all of the members of the group, and I have done posteres and CD illustrations for them for years. It's always fun to draw what they come up with for themes. This is for their upcoming Fringe Festival Show here in Orlando.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Recent Work: Disney Files!
Disney Files is a great client of mine that I draw for quarterly. It's a magazine for Disney Vacation Club owners, so it's got a much bigger circulation that you might expect, but it's really hard to find unless you're the target audience. The editor has a column in the front of the mag that he likes to spruce up with an illo of himself doing various things. I've drawn him in all sorts of themes and poses over the past five years or so. This latest one is an obvious riff on the iconic Lion King image... except with... a hippo. From what I understand, there's a hippo on the cover, and this is the tie-in. I liked how it turned out....
By the way, this makes my SECOND blog post this year, it seems. Woo hoo! I'm on fire! I've just been crazy busy, is all. I'm still here, drawing away!
By the way, this makes my SECOND blog post this year, it seems. Woo hoo! I'm on fire! I've just been crazy busy, is all. I'm still here, drawing away!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
In the Chair: Robin Hood!
I drew this one awhile back, just getting around to posting it. It was drawn at a big event last Fall. And the guy's name REALLY WAS Robin Hood. So, I HAD to draw him like this! Did I have a choice? I think not!!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Recent Work: Holiday Cards 1
I just finished this one up. I do a lot of corporate cards each Christmas season, for small companies and large. It doesn't get much bigger than Disney, but this card is for a small team of managers who are over DownTown Disney, the shopping and entertainment mecca in Mouseland. We are opening up a kiosk there on Monday, so to get this job from them was extra cool. Hope you like it...
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Cute Coffee Chick
Hey, gang! Haven't had a spare moment to myself in a few months, getting ready for some expansion in the retail side of my business at the Disney Parks. Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but that's why! In the meantime, I thought I'd share a mailorder commission I did awhile back. For a quickie, I thought it turned out kind of cute.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
How Draw Caricatures..... The MAD Art of Caricatures!
Ya know, it figures I would land up on the FOREHEAD page of "The MAD Art of Caricature". LOL.
Yep, that's a drawing of me by my good buddy, Tom Richmond. It's on Page 94, to be exact.....
If you know much about me at all, then you know Tom and I have been personal friends for many years. Our wives and we met through the International Society of Caricature Artists, and have continued and grown that friendship through many National Cartoonist Society Reubens Weekends, San Diego Comicons, family vacations together, and basically anytime or reason we could find to hang out. I consider him one of my closest friends.
Tom has always been great at caricaturing, and even started out doing live caricatures in theme parks like I did. That was the common ground we had when we first became friends. I was actually an early fan of Tom's, even before we met, having seen his work in NOW Comic's "Married With Children". You know, being the big comic book geek I am. Over the years, I've seen his work get better and better, to where he's now one of the best caricature artists and cartoonists EVER. So that makes me feel even more honored to be included in his book.
For years now, he's talked about coming out with this book, both privately and publicly. I first remember him talking about it in depth on a vacation to Hawaii about seven years ago. There were many times I doubted he would ever get it finished. There were even more times when he HIMSELF doubted he'd get it finished. But, man, am I glad he did! It is truly amazing, in the quality of artwork, the quality of writing, and the sheer amount of knowledge of it's subject imparted in it's pages. Without a doubt, it's THE definitive guide to drawing caricatures.
If you have any interest in cartooning, learning how to draw caricatures, or are just a fan of Tom Richmond's work, you gotta order this book!
Here's the link, just to make it easier for you:
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Recent Work: Recess!
A recent job for a CD cover I did. The song is by the group "Recess!", and is about... well, allergies. Food alleriges, especially. This group, from what I understand, performs at schools. Just a cute, fun little illustration of cute kids. I could do this kind of thing all day long....
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
"Forsaken", acrylic on canvas, copyright 2011 Keelan Parham
"Eloi Eloi, lamasabacthani".... "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? " Those have always been some of the saddest, most powerful words in the entire Bible to me. God promises to never leave us nor forsake us, but He DID forsake His only begotten son, the earthly incarnation of Himself. And it was all so WE could come back to Him, our sins paid for. This piece haunts me as I look at it. It depicts Jesus on the cross, at the exact moment God turned His back on Him.
I am SO glad I will never know what that feels like...
"Eloi Eloi, lamasabacthani".... "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? " Those have always been some of the saddest, most powerful words in the entire Bible to me. God promises to never leave us nor forsake us, but He DID forsake His only begotten son, the earthly incarnation of Himself. And it was all so WE could come back to Him, our sins paid for. This piece haunts me as I look at it. It depicts Jesus on the cross, at the exact moment God turned His back on Him.
I am SO glad I will never know what that feels like...
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Saturday, September 03, 2011
I've always harbored a secret desire to just be a painter. So, occasionally I will indulge myself and paint something.
I love Picasso, cubism, Covarrubbias, Braque, lots of abstract stuff, so that's what I like to paint. Here's a recent one I did. I am doing a series of Biblical paintings, and this is the first. I call it "Tempted". It's of Adam and Eve in the Garden, kissing. Except that Eve is looking off at the Forbidden Fruit.
I love Picasso, cubism, Covarrubbias, Braque, lots of abstract stuff, so that's what I like to paint. Here's a recent one I did. I am doing a series of Biblical paintings, and this is the first. I call it "Tempted". It's of Adam and Eve in the Garden, kissing. Except that Eve is looking off at the Forbidden Fruit.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Charactertures, episode 2: Goofy
Hey, Esly, here ya go! Ya know, I've never had a great desire to draw Mickey's Pal, Goofy. Except for his incarnation as "Super Goof". I did love those old Gold Key Comics of him. But when fellow cartoonist, good friend, and SORELY MISSED Disney caricaturist Esly Carrero-Stampek suggested in my comments section that I try my hand at the Goofster, I decided to give it a shot. I wanted to do a retro version of him, and I really didn't change that much, I guess. Except for adding the tail. Come on... he's a dog, isn't he? I mean, I THINK he's a dog. In my version he IS, anyway. So he needed the tail.
I really liked the black and white version, so that's how I left it. I may color it at a later date.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Art comes first at The First Academy....
Yep, that's my "self toon" on the big 'ol white board in the HS art room, introducing myself to my students for the day. Now I HAVE taught before; I did private cartooning lessons for kids for a few years, and taught a few after school cartooning courses at some local Catholic schools. But it's been awhile. As in probably ten years or more. So, yeah, that makes most of my former students in their mid to late twenties. Some in their thirties. Dear Lord. That just made me feel really old.
Okay... moving on...
Growing up in South Carolina back in the 70s and 80s, I would've given ANYTHING to even know, much less MEET and be TAUGHT BY a professional cartoonist. So, that's why I decided to do this at TFA at this point in my life. I do it when I can fit it in my schedule, in hopes I can inspire some future artists, by showing them that art can be a very real and viable profession for them. You CAN make a living doing art. You don't have to be a starving artist, if you just work at it.
I've taught now at TFA just two or three times, as I didn't get started in it until after Christmas this past year, and my schedule as usual was crazy busy. But each time I did, I was impressed. By the school, by the kids, and by the fellow teachers.
Hey, I'm a likeness based cartoonist ( aka caricaturist), so OF COURSE I had to draw some of my students!All types here, just like "The Breakfast Club", but all great young people.
And we'll end on this guy... I grabbed a large pad of paper and sketched Kyle my first day subbing. I had noticed he was a talented cartoonist in his own right, so I felt I just had to draw him. Little did I know that a few months later he and another TFAer would start working with my company, drawing caricatures at Disney.
The school year at TFA is just beginning again, and I look forward to teaching and inspiring there some more this year...
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Recent Work: Jeff Bigby
Big B
Awhile back, I posted a caricature of a friend of mine, Jeff Bigby, drawn him in my new, more illustrative caricature style. I just came across one of my reference photos for the drawing, and thought I'd share it here with the finished piece as well.
It was one of many I used for the drawing, but I think this one was my main reference.
Monday, August 08, 2011
Charactertures, episode 1: Sponge Bob
"Charactertures". LOL. As a professional caricature artist and a pretty good speller, I find it funny that the actual spelling of "Caricatures" is a challenge for so many people. I can't even begin to tell you how many bad attempts I've seen at spelling, and SAYING this word. For this new feature of my blog, I decided to borrow one of my "favorite" versions: "Charactertures". This version is close to the word "Character", and I think it's what people mean. They think I'm going to make them into a "character" when I draw their "Caricature". Actually, they're kind of right, since I do lean toward a more cartoony representation of people in my work, and not gross exaggeration. Anyway, I am going to be using "Charactertures" to term my drawings of other companies'/artists' "characters" on this blog.
See, I had this thought the other day... my life has been so busy for the last fifteen years with just caricatures, and providing for my family through caricaturing, that there are hundreds...probably thousands.... of characters I'll never have the chance to draw "professionally". Like Superman and Spiderman... I always wanted to draw for the "big two" comic companies. But now, I don't know that I'll ever get that chance. And to be truthful, I don't even have the desire to do it as much as I once did. But I do still like to sketch characters like them when I have a chance. So, I thought I'd just MAKE myself have the chance. I'm going to set out to draw a "Characterture" of each and every character I can think of ( with my own twist on them of course ), and share them here on my blog. If there's one you'd like to see me draw, let me know, by the way. Some of these may be just sketches, some more finished. Either way, I'm gonna have fun drawing them and hopefully someone out there will like them.
For this first "Charactertures", I actually chose a character that's not even a particular favorite of mine: Sponge Bob Square Pants! Truthfully, I don't know why I drew him... he just came out of my pen the other day as I was working on another job. LOL For the record, the art on SB has always bothered me a bit, but I do like the voices and the writing. Anyway, this is my quick take on the famous water retaining character.
Stay tuned for more...
See, I had this thought the other day... my life has been so busy for the last fifteen years with just caricatures, and providing for my family through caricaturing, that there are hundreds...probably thousands.... of characters I'll never have the chance to draw "professionally". Like Superman and Spiderman... I always wanted to draw for the "big two" comic companies. But now, I don't know that I'll ever get that chance. And to be truthful, I don't even have the desire to do it as much as I once did. But I do still like to sketch characters like them when I have a chance. So, I thought I'd just MAKE myself have the chance. I'm going to set out to draw a "Characterture" of each and every character I can think of ( with my own twist on them of course ), and share them here on my blog. If there's one you'd like to see me draw, let me know, by the way. Some of these may be just sketches, some more finished. Either way, I'm gonna have fun drawing them and hopefully someone out there will like them.
For this first "Charactertures", I actually chose a character that's not even a particular favorite of mine: Sponge Bob Square Pants! Truthfully, I don't know why I drew him... he just came out of my pen the other day as I was working on another job. LOL For the record, the art on SB has always bothered me a bit, but I do like the voices and the writing. Anyway, this is my quick take on the famous water retaining character.
Stay tuned for more...
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Daddy/Daughter invade San Diego!
Yep, after a few years of being absent from the Mother of all Geek Gatherings, I am returning to the San Diego ComiCon next week. This time, with my oldest, Brady, as my partner in crime. Where will be in the sea of comic geeks, sci- fi freaks, and costumed... um...people? I have NO idea. It's been so long since I've been to SDCC, I had to "prove" my professional status again. I did, and they did. Approve me, that is. HOWEVER, I was out of town when I got the email, about to board a plane home. I joke you not... by the time I touched down in sunny Florida, they were no longer accepting any more professional registrations. Arrgh. General admission, which I would've gladly paid at this point, had been sold out since early this year. That's how crazy it is to get into this show.
Well, fear not... with some help from a few friends in high places, I DID get me and Brady Ann in to the show. Plus, we waited so long to book a room, we got a sweet room in a hotel ADJACENT to the convention center. ( Finding a room was a challenge in and of itself.)
Now, back to where you may see us, if you are there, and care to do so.... Good friends Tom Richmond, Stephen Silver, and Joe Bluhm will all be there with tables, as will the National Cartoonists Society ( NCS). I am sure we will be at least in the vicinity of all of those tables sometime over the weekend. Keep an eye out for us, and you may just see us....
Well, fear not... with some help from a few friends in high places, I DID get me and Brady Ann in to the show. Plus, we waited so long to book a room, we got a sweet room in a hotel ADJACENT to the convention center. ( Finding a room was a challenge in and of itself.)
Now, back to where you may see us, if you are there, and care to do so.... Good friends Tom Richmond, Stephen Silver, and Joe Bluhm will all be there with tables, as will the National Cartoonists Society ( NCS). I am sure we will be at least in the vicinity of all of those tables sometime over the weekend. Keep an eye out for us, and you may just see us....
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Recent Work: Floyd Scholz
This is a recent commission I liked, and I thought I'd share it here. I had a blast drawing it in more of an illustrative cartoony, almost "MAD" style, with a few in-jokes, or "Chicken Fat" thrown in for good measure. I'd like to do more like this in the future. When I revamp my studio website, this style will be well represented there, I think. I've already done another piece like this since finishing this one, that I'll try to get around to showing here soon.
The subject of this caricature is a friend of mine, Floyd Scholz. It was commissioned by a mutual friend as a gift for Floyd. Being friends with Floyd, I know a few things about him, and I also know his personality ( he's a really great, friendly guy ), so that made doing this caricature even easier and more fun.
Now, Floyd stays busy with this... his waiting list is a couple of years long at this point. Oh, and the price tag for something like that large Eagle above? How about A HALF MILLION DOLLARS? Yep. You read that correctly.
I'm obviously in the wrong business.
The subject of this caricature is a friend of mine, Floyd Scholz. It was commissioned by a mutual friend as a gift for Floyd. Being friends with Floyd, I know a few things about him, and I also know his personality ( he's a really great, friendly guy ), so that made doing this caricature even easier and more fun.
Back in the late 70s, Floyd was an amazing athlete. He even qualified to be part of the Olympic High Jumping Team for the 1980 USA Olympic Team. Yes, 1980. The year the US boycotted the Olympics. Ugh. Thus ended Floyd's athletic career. So, he started carving.... birds. INCREDIBLE carvings of birds. He's now famous for doing this, in those circles, and written several books on the art, such as the one above.
And trust me, it IS an art. I've been to one of Floyd's studios, here in town ( the other is at his Vermont home), and seen some of these carvings. They are huge in scale, and you can not conceive that they are not real birds, just from wood. And all one block of wood, too... one giant piece.
Every last detail is perfect. Even down to the FEEL of the feathers... you'd swear they're real feathers, not wood.
Now, Floyd stays busy with this... his waiting list is a couple of years long at this point. Oh, and the price tag for something like that large Eagle above? How about A HALF MILLION DOLLARS? Yep. You read that correctly.
I'm obviously in the wrong business.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Toon Challenge: Punk Rock Chick!
Thursday, June 09, 2011
iPad Keelan / Sketchbook Pro
Typical of me on vacation, I can't NOT draw. I have to, At least a little bit. But I get to draw what I WANT to, not what a client wants me to. Now that is a vacation to me! On our trip this week to West Palm Beach, in between our naps ( :D ) and trips to the pool and beach, I decided I would really put Sketchbook Pro on my iPad through it's paces. In fact, my iPad was the only drawing materials i brought with me. Therefore I decided to see Exactly HOW good could I draw on the iPad, with fairly unlimited time. My goal was to produce a piece that was of similar quality to what I can do on the Cintiq. Again, this was completely in Sketchbook Pro. I like drawing in this app best, but it does bug me a bit, with how difficult it is to change the brush size and the opacity. The ArtStudio app makes those changes easier. So, that's my next task... I am going to color this piece in that app as well, to see which I like best. Stay Tooned....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Toon Challenge: Space Invader!
Well, after winning the initial TOON CHALLENGE um.. challenge, over on FaceBook with my "The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly" Cowboy tribute, I followed it up the next month with... NOTHING. Yep, even after I got to choose the challenge topic ( I chose King Arthur ), I was just too busy to compete. Lame. Well, at least my good buddy Kenny Durkin entered and won. This month, there's mere hours left to enter anything, and I just couldn't let the deadline pass me by again. ( Particularly since I have several unfinished King Arthurs on my desktop that stare me down everytime I am working on my computer). Even though this is just a five minute "Space Invader" ( the current challenge topic) quickdraw I did before I started my "real work" today, I thought he turned out good enough to share. Hope ya like...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Toon Challenge: Old West!
Hey, gang. I am a "fan" of the "Toon Challenge" page over on FaceBook. It's a monthly Character Design Challenge page that's in it's FIRST month. The theme this time is to design American "Old West" Characters, i.e. Cowboys, Indians, etc. There's quite a few fellow "Likees" on the page, but so far only me and one other person have entered a drawing. Join up and contribute if you can! Looks like it will be fun, and a great way to get some new portfolio pieces drawn at the same time.
Oh yeah, as for my piece, well, I am crazy busy right now but I still wanted to get something in on this first challenge. So, I googled those old Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Westerns and used him as "inspiration" for my entry. All digital, Photoshop, in case you were wondering.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Safety Posters
Been out of the country for the last week, but I'm back now! Here's another of the safety posters I drew recently. Again, a Vector illo.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
-I bought the Dexter's Lab DVD for myself for Christmas.... Oh, I mean for my DAUGHTERS... Yeah, that's it.... And I am thoroughly enjoying watching it. There was something about this era of Cartoon Network that was and IS so inspiring . I used to watch Dexters Lab, Power Puff Girls, and Johnny Bravo on "Cartoon Cartoon Fridays" with my oldest daughter back when she was a baby. To this day I cant watch these shows without being inspired. I HAVE to grab a pencil and sketchbook. Or in this case, the iPad.....
BTW, sorry about the low-rez image here. I drew it kind of small on the iPad, I guess.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
It's ALIVE!!!!!!...just Frankie
Here's the Black and White Layer of just the Monster, from the safety poster I shared a few days ago. I like seeing the different stages of illos sometimes, so I thought you guys might as well....
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
iPad "Toon of the Day"
Yes, I do still draw "old school", with pen and paper, sometimes. Just drew live caricatures at a huge event at Disney last night, actually. But drawing on the iPad and then being able to post to my blog instantly with BlogPost, the app I use for blogging, is just SO easy compared to scanning in paper drawings, that you're probably going to see more and more iPad toons from me here. I am still working on an iPad tutorial, about how I draw on it in ArtStudio, but it's taking more time than I thought to do it correctly.
Until then, here's another cartoon sketch from a live iPad gig a few weeks ago. I really like how I am able to "cut into" the black when I am done, to pull out white lines and highlights. I learned from Hank Ketcham's work that black with white in it is more visually interesting than solid black.
.... Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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