Well, it's my birthday today, the big 4-0. Yikes. Birthdays usually never phase me, but this one seems momentous, for some reason. I know it shouldn't, it's just a number. "You're only as old as you feel", yada yada yada....I know that. Plus, to be honest, I feel better than I have in years. So, it's all good.
Still SOUNDS pretty old, though.
I may be getting older, but I refuse to get OLD! I am a very blessed man with a beautiful wife I love more than ever, and two sweet, beautiful daughters.
This weekend my lovely bride threw me a party here at the house with a few friends over for poker, pool, and a little karaoke. It was a great time. Here's a pic of us being serenaded by Jeremy and Shalisa James, close friends and famous acapella singers (ToxicAudio.com....check em out!).
Lovin it. As per conversation last night, I was there in spirit if nothin else. Happy Birthday brother. May you have 40-50-100 glorious more, all with the same great hair.
Happy Birthday K!
I completely agree with Mike's comment. Your hair is amazing! As a Stoller man, I am destined to have a slightly thinner look for my 40th b-day ;-)
P.S. Wendy and I are coming to Orlando for a conference at the end of March/start of April. Al Gore is keynoting a Student Affairs practitioner conference. We should try to get together while we're in Florida :-D
Thanks guys! The Bday is turning out pretty well.
Eric, that's great! Let us know the exact dates.
But...Gore? Oh, man...we'd love to see you guys...let's just don't talk politics, okay?
Happy Birthday buddy. 40 is the new 30, or so I'm told.
Happy Birthday Keelan.. what a romantic picture! Awww....
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