Indecision, Indecision...
Now that Blogger has the ability to "future post", I have decided to come back to my first "blog home" here. Wordpress has some awesome features, but I never found it as easy to use. Believe me, I need a blog that's EASY to post to, if I'm going to keep up with it. Which I haven't over at Wordpress for awhile. Sorry about that. But, I'll TRY to do better now that I'm "comin back home". Stay tuned....
Welcome back brother! Looking forward to reading more posts from you! OK, have to run, have a plane to catch for Tokyo!
Tokyo??? Oh, yeah...the minicon ! Man, that sounds like fun! Tell everyone I said "hi", okay?
Have a great time! And drink some sake for me!
The prodigal artist returns...
I checked out Wordpress also and HATED it.
There are TONS of artists sing Blgger - I guess we all like it to K.I.S.S.
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