Thursday, December 24, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
iPhone Drawing, pt 2
Monday, December 14, 2009
iPhone sketching....
Been trying to figure out how to sketch on the iPhone. It's a continuing experiment. Still haven't found what I'm looking for ( U2 reference). Best I've done so far is a couple of sketches like this one, with the iPhone called "Layers". I tried Sketchbook Pro on the iPhone too,, a fave program I use on my cintiq. But I didnt' care for anything I drew on it very much. Yes, they were all even worse than THIS one! LOL
BTW, I hate drawing with my finger, so I ordered a Pogo Sketch stylus. Kinda weird to use, but still better than my finger! I'll keep trying...
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Dr. Sivana...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
The Evil Mr. Mind!!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Getting Sketchy....

I love Plastic Man, so I just had to draw him and his pal, Woozy Winks. Hey, that reminds me... go check out one of the blogs I follow, why dontcha? It's all about "Plas"...
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Me at ISCA 09
2009 ISCA Awards Ceremony - Part one
I have to get all of those "ums" out of my speech pattern. Ugh! It's always horrible listening to yourself speak. But see, this is proof I was there! Told ya! Thanks for posting this one as well, Brian.
But "Keelam"? "Keelam"????LOL
Oh well, with my name you get used to it!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
ISCA Caricature Convention 2009 - Part One
All last week I was in beautiful Sandusky Ohio at the annual ISCA ( International Society of Caricature Artists Convention). I'll try to upload my photos from it just as soon as I get caught up around the studio here. It was a week of fellowship, learning, and generally maligning each other in caricature form. LOL Yeah, let me tell ya, don't EVER go to a caricature convention if you have a vanity issue! My forehead gets bigger, my nose more broken, my lips more "girly looking" each passing year in the drawings I get. I LOVE IT!!! It truly is " Caricature College".
There is a big competition factor to the convention, and a ton of amazing work is produced. Congrats to friends Glenn Ferguson ( overall winner... the "Golden Nosey") and Marlo Meekins ( second place... "Silver Nosey") and all the award winners.
I've competed a few times ( I got fourth overall one year), but haven't done so in five years or so. All that drawing, all that pressure... it just seems too much like my everyday life... like "work", ya know? So I made a firm deicision this year to just go and "hang out". I drew when I wanted, IF I wanted, and who I wanted. With no concern about "competing". So glad I did. It was a much needed "blast". My only regret is that I had many people tell me they wish I HAD competed this year, that they wanted to see more of my work. Thanks for telling me that. To be honest, it made me wish at times that I had drawn more and competed, but overall I feel I made the right decision. Maybe next year...
As it was, I got to spend a week just sleeping in, staying out late, and hanging out with tons of talented artists. I saw many old friends, and made many new ones.
The video here was made by fellow ISCA member Brian Vasilik. Thanks so much for shooting it, Brian. And thanks to good pal Kenny Durkin for alerting me to it's existence. Kenny and Jim "Daddy" Durkin and myself show up at just before the four minute mark, if you're looking for us. If you've never been to an ISCA convention, what are you waiting for? The next one's in Vegas, baby! Viva Las Vegas!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Cute Cute Cute

Friday, October 30, 2009
LiveDraw: Leany

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Been really busy. Been doing a few "Live Draw" gigs, where the client hires me to draw people "in action", even without them knowing it. Pretty cool. I draw them from any view, side, rear, straight on, whatever... with very little posing. Actually, often with NO posing, like this guy. Total "Hit and Run". I went and gave him his drawing when I was done. This one was done at a convention for Staffing companies. Great group of people who really liked the "Live Draws".
Monday, October 05, 2009
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Rodney Howard Browne

This, by the way, is my ballpoint pen caricature of Rodney as he taught. Yeah, drawing in church. LOL. Actually, whether you want to blame it on the ADD one doctor told me I have, or just on my "artist's brain", I pay better attention WHEN I'm drawing. I'm guessing a lot of artists are that way...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Hot off the Wacom: Hiking Couple

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Lex Luthor!

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Recent Work: Greg Tipton, Ten Days Missions

Saturday, September 05, 2009
The newest artist in my house...

It's even funnier when you realize that up to a few months before this, she really had very little hair. Her hair did look a bit like this, just a spot on top. I was blown away. She draws all the time and her Pre-K teachers have already pegged her as "the artist" in the class. Too cool.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
BajaDos, part 3

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Baja Dos, part 2

It was cool to use my talents for HE who gave them to me, and to see people's faces light up when they got the drawings. God truly does use the simple things, sometimes...
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Global Tribe TV - Former NBA star Keith Tower reports from Mexico
A few weeks ago, my wife and oldest daughter and I went on a mission trip with our church to Baja, Mexico. It was an amazing, life changing event. Here is a quick video posted on YouTube with our pastor, Keith Tower, talking a bit about the trip. At the end, he references me and my family in the story about the guy with the withered hand that was healed on our trip. Praise God! He is alive and is still in the miracle business!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In the comics, I kind of liked Kubert's take and Buscema's, but there was a series about ten years ago, that was drawn by Mark Wheatley (don't remember the writer), that had a lot of the true spirit of the ape man.
Oh yeah, and since I'm a child of the 70s, I remember faithfully watching both the reruns of the goldenboy Tarzan of Ron Ely, and the Filmation cartoons. The latter, looking back, were awful. But, I spent a lot of my childhood playing in the yard, reciting the opening, "I am Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle. This is my domain, and I protect those who come here. AHHHOOOAHHHHHH-ahhhh-uhhh-ahhh-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
Long live the King of the Jungle!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Keelan's Eats: Beefy King

I admit it...one of my favorite things to do is EAT. So, occasionally I will be adding restaurant reviews to this blog. Hope you find it interesting. And, if not, well, hang out a few days and there will be more art again here. Or something. Anyway, my first food entry over here.... the myth, the legend.... BEEFY KING! Is that a cool sign, or what?

Long live the King!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Recent Work

This is one of a group of illustrations I did for a good client of mine. Since over the years I've done so many gift caricatures, whether they're of single people or huge groups for corporate clients, it's fun to do this kind of thing. My guidelines were " Two young hip people, one guy and one girl, using lots of tech.... laptops, blackberry, cellphone, ipod, etc. At large conference table." It's on their website, and in some printed materials for them, so in order to have a lot of flexibility with the images, they requested I leave plenty of open space around the characters, with no real background behind them.
I'm actually getting a lot more of this type of project where I can do my character design/cartoon illustration style, and I like it. I'll try to post some other recent examples as well.
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Toony Bin: Cereal Mascots

Really, I just thought they looked fun to draw, and wanted to play around with a couple of new Photoshop brushes for the coloring. I think there's some interesting things I learned with the brushes, but I have a long way to go with them before I do a convincing watercolor look. Actually, this looks a good bit like colored markers now that I look at it. Anyway...
Monday, July 20, 2009
Crissman Quads

From the files....
About two years ago, I had a good client of mine contact me. She wanted me to do some artwork for some friends of hers. A young couple, they'd just found out that they were having QUADRUPLETS. Naturally, I might add...no fertility drugs involved. That's EXTREMELY rare.
Their friends and family wanted to start a website where people could make donations to help out financially if they wanted, but mainly just so that people could follow the quads' development.
I was glad to help out, and did the above drawing for them.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Keelan Eats... Boy, does he!

Anyway, I've always appreciated reading restaurants reviews so I don't have to try things "blindly", and my family and I eat out so often, that me writing my own restaurant review blog was probably inevitable.
If you're interested, give it a visit. Hope you find it entertaining and useful!
Friday, July 03, 2009
Let's TOON Caricatures! : New Look

In contrast, here's the original (current) cover. I don't want people to think it's a totally revamped version of the book, so I wanted to stay in the same basic style and look of the original image. That was a bit of a challenge, to meld my current style with that of a decade ago. I think it worked pretty well, though. It DOES make me look forward to a totally new version in the future. One of these days....
The book continues to surprise me, training artists around the world for over six years , and it's sales are actually stronger than ever ( thanks to a combination of Amazon.com, our websites, and our retail stands).
Here's to the future... the new cover is just the first step!
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Harley Quinn

A good buddy of mine ( hey, Loco! ), mentioned he'd like to see my take on the Harley Quinn character from Batman Animated. Since I've been playing around with teh trial version of Sketchbook Pro 2010, I decided to sketch her for him in that program. Finishes and letters were done in Photoshop, by the way.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Mr. Saturday Night

This week's "Toony Bin" submission. I didn't know exactly what they had in mind with the subject, but just decided to let my pen roam. In the new Sketchbook Pro 2010, to be exact. I downloaded the trial recently, and have been trying it out. There's a few things I'd change here and there (isn't there always?), but overall, I liked how this guy turned out. BTW, I even colored it in Sketchbook... a first. All I did in Photoshop this time was the chalky bg.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009
Secret Squirrel
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
The Toony Bin

Hey, gang. For a short, fun time awhile back, two of my buds "over the pond" (i.e. Great Britain), Mike Giblin and Justin Cook, had a great thing going called "Toon Weekly". Each week there was a subject given, and anyone who wanted to participate would try their hand at illustrating it. Any styles were acceptable, as long as it was "cartoony". It was a real blast doing character designs "just for fun" and I myself got quite a few portfolio pieces out of participating in it. At some point, for reasons unbeknowst to me, Toon Weekly ended. I never did find out why, but I was too busy with work and life to pursue starting it back up myself. Well, now I'm happy to say that two of my good friends, Kenny Durkin and Mike Duron ,who work with me right here in Orlando, and also used to contribute to TW, have taken up the reins. They've started "The Toony Bin", a weekly character design challenge much like TW used to be. Check out the site here:
Friday, April 03, 2009
Reel Life
Oh, and the strip won't usually be this one panel format, I don't think. Too hard to tell stories in. But, I really like one panels, so I've been trying it out just for fun.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Show and Tell: Sam and Max

But if you want REAL Sam and Max, then track down the comics!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tyranasaurus Rex arms
Abstraction Distraction: Part 1

Recently, I had a long time client order 23 abstract illustrations from me for a project. It's all pix of their execs. Thing is, they always want vector illos, so they can blow them up really big and hold the resolution. I've done several of these over the years for them, but never this many at a time. In the past, I've tripped, stumbled, and fell my way through the "vectorization" part. Orginally, it was so long ago on the first job, I drew and scanned in my drawings and ran them through an old defunct prgram called Adobe Streamline to vectorize them. Then, I colored htem in Illustrator.

Now, with the later editions of Illustrator, CS2 is the one I have, I have learned to LiveTrace and Live Paint a bit. That's how I did last time's batch. THIS time, though, I decided to bite the bullet and start learning to actually draw in Illustrator. These are a few from the job. Eventually, in the vector illos, I was even able to do several different styles.

When I get caught up on some more deadlines, I'll try to post some more.