Sunday, July 19, 2009

Keelan Eats... Boy, does he!

Awhile back, a dear friend of mine encouraged me to keep this particular blog all business, for fans of my art, and to keep personal stuff, well, personal. I agreed in theory, and started a few other blogs for those who want to read more personal ramblings. One of those is my workout blog "Keelan's BodyShop" and the newest is, "Keelan Eats". On this one, I plan to put in restaurant reviews from all over the world, from mine and my family's travels. ( BTW, if you've eaten with me before at cool places and want to send me some photos of those restaurants so I can post them, I'd really like that.. I hate to miss out on mentioning places I've already been to).

Anyway, I've always appreciated reading restaurants reviews so I don't have to try things "blindly", and my family and I eat out so often, that me writing my own restaurant review blog was probably inevitable.

If you're interested, give it a visit. Hope you find it entertaining and useful!

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