Wednesday, September 19, 2007

M and M's

Yep, drawing caricatures for a living, you get some pretty "different" requests. That's one of the many things that keeps it interesting after all these years (over fifteen and counting). Not long ago, I had a gig that was supposed to be "Simpsons" themed, and I was supposed to draw people as Simpsons types. "Simpsonscatures"? In studying for it, I went to the Simpsons movie website and made myself into a Simpsons character there. It took some "reworking" in Photoshop, but I kind of liked the results. two weeks I have to draw people as M and M's. Yep, you read that right. So, lo and behold, M and M's also has a "character creator" on their site right now. I'm sure my gig is to promote this thing. Once again, I did some Photoshoppery, and here I am as an M and M....


Ted said...

Sweet!,...... ew, that was bad.

Nicely tweaked for accuracy, this will be a fun event!

I need to do mine now!

Keelan Parham said...

Ya know, I just realized...all of these M and M's...they don't have clothes.

Yeek! I'm naked!

Esly Carrero said...

I know.. I was gonna put clothes on mine..
but it made me look weird.. so I just kept the b-day suit on. lol.

The Hurricane said...

Well done.. looking forward to hearing how this gig goes for you!!! :)